Sunday, February 6, 2011

Judge Ye This Day

Judge Griffith spoke about his career and how he had moved around to different opportunities seeking to find his passion. Please describe what you feel you are passionate about today and where you think these interests will take you as you start your career path.

Recently I have found a great passion for estate planning and tax law. I'm currently enrolled in a class called Personal Finance taught by the legendary Dr. I. He has kindled a great fire within me to become financially independent and help others do the same. I believe this is something which I can do with great intensity and with great passion because I love being prepared for future events and independence from all people, organizations, agencies etc. I am almost completely sure that I want to become an attorney but I was lacking a specific field of emphasis or specialty. This class and this professor have set me on a path towards estate law, tax law, and finance.

This year marks the first time I have calculated and filed my own tax return. I found myself extremely interested in all of the tax laws. I loved researching all the exemptions, credits, and liabilities. The more I thought about it the more I realized I could do this as a career. I could help individuals and companies keep Uncle Sam from over-reaching his bounds. I've always been passionate about saving money and making money work for you instead of working for your money.

Judge Griffith quoted several verses in Jacob 2, in reference to the pursuit and use of wealth. How will you apply the concepts that Jacob shares with us as you experience success in your career.

Wealth should never become a status symbol. That is when you know you are going against the counsel in Jacob 2. I've never been into the designer clothes, the gator shoes, the fancy things of life. I'm OK with driving used cars, living in a moderate home and sending my children to public schools. I want to acquire wealth for the sake of my family's future and stability. I want them to have confidence in my ability to provide a roof over their head, food on their table, and an education for their minds.

For charitable work and donations I want to volunteer and financially support organizations which promote education, citizenship, and achievement. Hilary and I have talked about helping good families adopt. The process is crazy expensive and can be a burden on those who want to adopt and give children a good home.

Please share something you learned about leadership in your career from judge Griffith’s presentation.

I learned that you can stick to your standards and principles and all will be well for you. You will gain much more in the long run if you do that then if you sell out immediately for a few pieces of silver. His story of standing up to the senior partners of his law firm, over the admitted infidelity of his client, really struck me. He said it later led to some good things for him and even if it wouldn't have, he feels he did the right thing and that was his reward.

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