Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Ron Jones

Bro. Jones described his career path and an experience where he received a recommendation from the President of Dixie State College. This recommendation came because of Bro. Jones reputation as someone who would follow through on any assignments he received. Please describe what practices you will engage to make sure that you are considered someone who is reliable in completing projects.

I think the first thing about being reliable is not promising things you can't deliver. That's where a lot of people find themselves in trouble. They take on more than they can realistically handle and then the assignment gets done in a shoddy way or not at all. I will attempt to always be honest with what I can handle. This is not the lazy man way of getting out of challenging projects. I expect to be challenged by projects and such but I won't take on more than I can handle because then everyone loses.

Bro. Jones mentioned the opportunities that he has had to be an example for those who are not members of the church and has been an influence for changing opinions about Mormons. Please describe how you will consider the opportunity to make friends for the Church as you start and grow your career.

Being a good example goes a long ways with people. The church is getting enough exposure these days that most of America has a good feel for what we believe and the standards we stand for. If they come to find you talk the talk but don't walk the walk then they will lose a lot of respect for you. Being Mormon means standing for something. The world may not always applaud us for it but it is expected of us. Being a good example of righteous gospel living, being friendly and not cheating to get ahead, will all be valuable ways of making friends for the Church.

Bro. Jones described his work on the Festival of the American West. One aspect that made that event succesful was the inclusion of many different people and allowing them to shine with their talents. Please explain how this concept of involving others and allowing them to utilize and showcase their talents relate to our practice of leadership in BYUSA and in the future.

BYUSA is all about involving people. Very few things would get done if we did not have a large pool of talent to draw from. Everyone can make a contribution because everyone has a skill, a talent or an experience which will add to the betterment of the whole. The officers and coordinators in BYUSA have never claimed to have a monopoly on the talent or the good ideas. When many different people begin working together in unity under a common purpose, a lot of good things begin to happen. By showcasing the talents of others, we are able to do much more than if we tried to rough it alone.

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