Sunday, February 6, 2011

The 12 Laws of Cox

Select at least three of Bro. Cox's 12 career "hints" and report what you are currently doing to follow his recommendations. Be specific in describing how you are living each "hint."

1. Family First- I got engaged this semester. I'm looking to start a family of my own and begin that part of my progression. The world would tell you that this is not a good move. I'm not even done with my undergraduate work. They would say I should put it off until I'm financial stable and able to support a wife. I always want to put Hilary and my future children above my career. I'm living this hint right now by making time for our relationship. I'm making an active effort to help with the wedding and not just sneak off and get out of making a contribution. Like our good man David O. McKay said, "No success (individual, social, political, financial) can compensate for failure in the home."

2.Be prepared before opportunity knocks- I am trying to gain the training and experience I need to seize the opportunities which come my way. Part of taking advantage of opportunities is being able to recognize them before it is too late. Part of my preparation is having a plan. I have my goals written out and I review them daily. This helps me seize opportunities which fit inside of my life plan. I want to be prepared in every way to do the things which I want and I know the Lord wants me to do. I'm trying to sharpen my talents and increase my abilities in communication, writing, reading, and leadership. When it comes to preparation I like what Winston Churchill said and I try to apply it in my life.

"To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder to do a special thing unique to him and fitted to his talents.What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour."

3. Be willing to start from ground level- Although I have been given much, I don't expect the world to hand me success. I am no way under the disillusionment that I'm going to get out of school and go straight to the top. Through my experience as a missionary and various other brushes with reality, I have come to the personal conclusion that I'm going to have to pay my dues, work hard and climb the ladder like everyone else. I'm living this hint just by being a student. I understand that this is ground level for a career. The important thing about his is to work hard at every level, even ground level.

Select one or more "hints" from Bro. Cox upon which you feel a need improve your focus. Be specific about your plans to better incorporate this "hint" into your life.

1. Try new things- This is something which has always scared me. I like to stick with what I know to be tested and true. I have an aversion to activities in which I could possibly fail. I need to get over this quickly. I plan to overcome this fear by trying something new each month. Whether it be a new restaurant or a new hobby, I'll start small and hopefully work my way up to doing new things where it really counts, such as in my career.

2. Leave it better than you found it- To leave something better than you found it is a service. It requires you to set your selfishness aside and make a lasting contribution. I've really failed to do this with my student wards here at BYU. Part of that had to do with the fact that I was actively pursuing a girl outside of my ward but part of that was also just from laziness. I thought since I had no plan of sticking around I really shouldn't contribute. That was faulty thinking on my part. I have since learned from Dr. Cox and others that no matter how long you plan on being somewhere, set down roots and make it better than you found it. In my next ward I will begin to make it a better place than I found it.

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