The Written Word

The Uprising of 2010
Inspired by the words of John Ball of Kent

          Ah, ye fair and good students, things are not well in Provo, in the greater area of our esteemed Brigham Young University, nor will they be until we are free, and till there be no victims, nor predators, but we be all safe and confident in our parking. What law have we broken or what statue have we infringed upon to bring down the wrath of God in the form on these vile parking enforcers? Why should we be thus kept in constant fear and bondage? We be all equal payers of rent and taxes to the various apartment complexes which we have trusted to protect us from these parking bandits. They grow fat and are clothed in the most precious velvets because of the fines which we pay to remove car boots and ransom our cars from their impound lot and all the while we be vestured in shabby cloth because we are but poor pupils. They eat the finest food available while we are constantly scurrying for a free meal or eating nothing but noodles and rice.   
          The parking agency employs henchmen to keep us as bondsmen and to maintain their estate of power over us. Unless we readily pay them the unjust fines which they have heaped upon us, we are beaten down by the threats of collection and more fines. We have no sovereign to hear our complaints and revenge us of the many wrongs which parking enforcement has committed against us. Many have attempted to fight them and bring some remedy to the people but as many as have tried, the same number have fallen prey to the talons of this abominable organization.
          Now good students, join with me in resisting this plague of injustice by peaceful means or otherwise.