Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Gray Area

What does integrity really mean to you? How do you know personally when you are displaying integrity?

Integrity is maintaining the same righteous morals and principles in all situations. Integrity means being morally consistent. When I think about integrity I am always reminded of the verse in the Book of Job that says, "Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason."
Even though Job was faced with crushing challenges he still maintained his integrity. He stayed the course even though it was difficult.

When you do something which allows you to maintain your integrity you can just feel it. You feel uncompromised and true. The act stands on its own. You don't need excuses, explanation, validation or justification.

Choose one of the development suggestions, or your own, to work on this week.  What did you choose? Why? How did it go?

Don't make promises if you are not reasonably certain you can and will keep them. 

This week I've been trying to only promise what I can deliver on. I chose this one because in the past I have struggled with this in an effort to be a bearer of good news. I make promises that I'm not sure if I can make happen just because I want to be a slimmer and BYU clean-shaven Santa Clause. Sometimes it is hard because you want to give people hope and give the masses something to look forward to. At other times we overestimate our power and ability to make things happen. It is better to promise nothing rather than give some inquiring soul false hope. 

I feel like I had some success with this suggestion this week in dealing with my Care week team. I was much more realistic with them instead of promising things I wasn't sure I could deliver on. 

Think of someone you know who displays integrity regularly.  What do they DO to demonstrate integrity? How does that impact you?

Hilary Fullmer is a woman who displays constant integrity. I can always count on her to do the right thing, regardless if it be inconvenient, unpopular, or otherwise. She shows her integrity in small ways which have big consequences. One of the ways she shows and maintains her integrity is by encouraging others to maintain their integrity. She isn't blown around by every wind of social pressure but stands firm in what she knows is right. She lifts others up because she is standing on higher ground.   Her example of integrity makes me want to live my life in similar fashion. She gives me hope that I can be a man of integrity.  


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