Sunday, November 7, 2010

In Nathan's Ward Part II

Considering your role as a leader, Please describe who you view as your “customers” and how you practice the idea of meeting the needs of those customers.

As a leader, especially in BYUSA, everyone I meet is my customer. Everyone I meet is going to take something away from the interaction they have with me. As a leader you represent a group bigger than yourself and you always have to keep that in mind when interacting with the "customers." This is a unique situation because as a BYUSA leader you represent yourself, your area, your organization, your school, and your church.

When serving them I try and really listen to what they are saying. With most people they'll say one thing on the surface but what they really mean or need is something they are not saying. It is important to put the customer first and to put yourself in their position.

Please describe a time when you have been involved in a significant change. Identify what those who were leading the organization did to help make the change successful or unsuccessful.

Just this year when Nate stepped out we had to make some significant changes to the way we as an area did things. Brittanie led the change by telling the group that we appreciated Nate's work and the contributions he made to the team and then laid out the plan for the future. Everyone on the team had to pick up a few extra assignments and we enlisted the help of Jake to help fill the void. Everyone felt bad that Nate was gone but we were able to overcome and adjust to the change because there was a plan and everyone pitched in.

Describe why you believe that Networking with others, is a vital part of leading change.

I have always lived my life by the mantra that it's not what you know but who you know. Networking can open a lot of doors of opportunity and can make all the difference when you know just as much or less than everyone less. In change, you need people. People are the driving force behind change. To get people on the same page you are going to have to do a lot of networking. Networking is the ability to organize, magnify and use people to a specific end.